Red Dragon

Red Dragon

Regular price $8.00 Sale

A beautifully intriguing  scent that will transport you to The Spice Road winding through central Asia.   Bright orange zest paired with cinnamon and clove blend with the earthiness of patchouli  and amber with a hint of fresh Asian pear. Jasmine, rose and lilac twine themselves through the end notes like a flute on the breeze. Grab a silk kimono and  transport yourself to another time and place! This is a hand cut product and may vary slightly in weight and color.


coconut oil, olive oil, palm oil, goat milk, lye, avocado oil, shea butter, fragrance oil, charcoal, red oxide, mica

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Valdemar Puente
Red Dragon review

This isn’t a very positive review, but recently was using this product, Red Dragon, and it started to cause my eczema to act up. In the past I’ve used this product with no side effects, so I don’t understand why now I’m experiencing this issue with it this time! I still have one bar left but I’m going to discontinue using the one I’ve been using. On a lighter note I also used the Almond bar soap and was very pleased with it! My hands felt smoother after using it.

Valdemar Puente
Fantastic product

Great smell and works fantastic